Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with a product, we will gladly exchange or refund the purchase within 30 days of the sale date.
- For any exchange or refund-the product must be in original condition including: the box, packaging, tags, and all accessories. Do not attach shipping label to product or product packaging, doing so will cause your return to be automatically refused and returned to you without notice.
- Charges for shipping services are non-refundable after the services have been performed except for any product received that is either not the product ordered or deemed defective by us. We will exchange the item at no additional cost upon verification. Proof of purchase is required for all returns.
- Returns sent to us damaged, without tags/packaging, or in used condition may be refused without notice and returned with a handling fee.
- You will be responsible for all shipping and insurance charges for returns, unless otherwise indicated. If you choose not to insure your package and we do not accept return of the product, you will be responsible for any loss or damage. For products that we verify to be defective, we will reimburse you for your original shipping expense on the product that you return or exchange. Merchandise purchased online cannot be returned at any retail locations.(
To complete a return or exchange:
1. Fill out the returns form: Download PDF
2. Mail the return and form to:
Internet Sales-Mainland
Order Number or RAN
8027 W. Sunnyview Ave.
Visalia, CA 93291
3. Once shipped please email: to confirm your exchange/return. Do not damage shoe boxes or item packaging with tape, shipping labels, or by shipping without being packaged/boxed.
Our staff is available to answer your questions Monday through Friday (except holidays), from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm (Pacific Time). You can contact our customer service department by email; at